Why You Need to Treat Yourself Like a Client | SarahEutsler.com

Oh hello, there.

I’m finally emerging from the cave I’ve been in–a magical land where I was buried with projects and then succumbed to a stomach bug that sent me on a ginger ale soaked five-day sabbatical.

The good news? I finally watched True Detective (which, fun fact, is the creation of my college fiction professor, filmed in the areas surrounding my former home), and, now that I’ve found my way back to the eating world, am energized to get back to business–especially my business.

The past few months have included the epic battle every small business owner faces: working in your business vs. working on your business. It’s a juggling act at best, though a lot of times my clients’ balls (the metaphorical ones I juggle–get your mind out of the gutter) stay in the air while mine fly across the room, knock some folders off my desk, then disappear into a black hole after one of the cats bats them around a bit.

But here’s the thing:

If you don’t take the time to keep everything in your juggling act, you aren’t going to have any more clients to add to the mix. Those things we’re neglecting for the sake of money are keeping us from making money down the road.

[Tweet “Those things we’re neglecting for the sake of money are keeping us from making money.”]

Obviously clients are important. Making their needs a priority keeps them and your bank account happy.

That’s why it’s time to make the official proclamation that you are your own client.

One that gets the royal pampered treatment you’re handing out to everyone else (and maybe throw in a massage/mani/pedi/facial/giant bottle of moscato while you’re at it because hello, clients can be tough).

How many clients do you just put off their projects, ignore their emails, don’t put in the work, and then still expect a payout? None. (And if you said more than none, you’re prooooobably in the wrong profession.)

So here’s my challenge to you:

Make an appointment with yourself. Put it on your calendar. Keep the appointment.

[Tweet “It’s time to make an appointment with yourself.”]

Treat it like a meeting the biggest, fanciest client you wouldn’t dare cancel on at the last minute.

Maybe the appointment is at your desk. Maybe you buy yourself a latte around the corner. Then sit down and DO IT–whatever it is you say you don’t have time for–knocking out your blog posts for the month, writing your online course, mapping your social media for the month, pitching guest posts.

When the appointment is over, pat yourself on the back for keeping it, then schedule the next one! It’s never a one time thing. You are a retainer client, my friend.

How do treat yourself like a client? Any special tips, tricks, or cocktails for making your business a priority?